Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wednesday, April 20th - Resumes Lesson

Wednesday, April 20th - Resumes Lesson
Today we did our epic resume lesson.  What you should have taken away from it was this:

  1. Competition is in everything
  2. Your resume goes up against 100's if not thousands of others
  3. Each point on your resume that relates to the job is like a weapon you bring to the table
  4. It is like a Battle Royale between you and everyone else.  Do not bring a knife to a gun fight.
  5. Pokemon!  Collect all those job related experiences!
  6. If you don't have experience, go get some.  Volunteer.  Network.  Do not bring a fist to the fight!
  7. HR interviewing you is different than an owner of a company
  8. Make a custom resume for EACH job you apply to
  9. You can rearrange your resume order to bring your strongest points first!
  10. You can still get a job based on weird factors
Please read this epic comic series that puts the entire job hunt process in an amazing perspective:


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