Thursday 10 March 2016

Thursday, Mar 10 - Blog Assignment - Top 25 High Paying Jobs

Top 25 High Paying Jobs

Today a report came out on the top 25 high paying jobs:

If you want to look into what some of these jobs are, what they do and how you get there, you can look them up on the US Occupational Job Index.  This is an amazing resource by the US government that lists every single job registered with them plus the education you need and the job out look.

Blog Assignment: Top 25 Jobs
Read through the Top 25 jobs article.
Pick 3 jobs that interest you the most.  List the following:

1.  Job: (this is the job title)
2.  Salary: (this is how much they make at the top end)
3.  Education for this job: (this is the university degree you need to do this job)
4.  Universities: (list 3 universities that offer the university degree for this job)
5.  Entrance averages:  (list the marks average you must have to get into the universities listed in 4)
6.  High school courses required: (these are the high school courses you take to get into a university that offers the degree for this job)
7.  Why do you think this is one of the top 25 jobs?  Give good reasons for you answer.  Try to relate it to the following: the economy, technological advances, the government, foreign countries, job opportunities or something else that shows your understanding.
8.  Compared to other jobs in the list, look at the number of job openings there were for this job versus the others.  What is the difference. Why do you think it is higher, lower or the same?

Use the above template to style how you answer the question for all 3 jobs.

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