Thursday 24 March 2016

Myers-Briggs Jung Typology Test

The Myers-Briggs or Jung Typology Test is a personality test that will give you 4 letters to represent your personality type.

Using this test you can determine which careers you might like according to your personality.

Your test results can change over time as you mature and learn more things.  Do not take the results of this test as a absolute.  This is a suggestion of what you are what you can be.

The link below has questions for the test.  Answer honestly to get a better result.  Sometimes it is best going with the first answer that came to mind.  Do not skip any questions.  After you get your result, remember the answer!  Open the link in a new window.

Exploring Your Results:
When you complete the survey you will get 4 letters for your personality type.
Click on the Careers section indicated below.

It will list career fields that people of your personality type enjoy:
Next, go to Google and type in your personality type plus the word "careers":
The Truity.Com link has a list of careers you can take!  Explore these careers using this link (the links on Truity are broken):


Blog Assignment:  Myers-Briggs Personality Test Results

Answer each of these questions in a blog:

  1. What personality type/letters did you get?
  2. Do you agree with these results? Why or why not?  (3 sentences minimum)
  3. What careers that were listed interest you and why?
  4. Look up famous people that have your personality type (on Google or in the link from the survey page).  Do you think you are like any of the people listed that share your personality type?  If so, who?  Does this surprise you?  Explain why.

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