Wednesday 30 March 2016

Professional Signatures

Today we went over an in-class powerpoint on developing your professional signature.
It's important to remember that your signature represents you and you can be judged when someone sees your signatures on a cheque, important document or even your cover letter.

That is why it is important to get into the adult life by developing your own signature.

A signature must be:

  1. Unique
  2. Repeatable by YOU 
  3. Difficult to repeat by others
  4. Slightly related to your name (people must be able to see either the first letter of our first name and/or last name
We did an exercise where we sat in a circle, wrote a signature on a page and your classmates wrote one for you.  The resulting paper had 24 different signatures on it, from which you picked one that would help you develop yours!

BE PATIENT!  It takes A LOT of practice to get your signature consistent.  Start by deciding what you want it to be and then sit down and imagine you are giving 100 autographs of your famous signature.  Your fans want it!  Get good at it by practicing!

Thursday 24 March 2016

Myers-Briggs Jung Typology Test

The Myers-Briggs or Jung Typology Test is a personality test that will give you 4 letters to represent your personality type.

Using this test you can determine which careers you might like according to your personality.

Your test results can change over time as you mature and learn more things.  Do not take the results of this test as a absolute.  This is a suggestion of what you are what you can be.

The link below has questions for the test.  Answer honestly to get a better result.  Sometimes it is best going with the first answer that came to mind.  Do not skip any questions.  After you get your result, remember the answer!  Open the link in a new window.

Exploring Your Results:
When you complete the survey you will get 4 letters for your personality type.
Click on the Careers section indicated below.

It will list career fields that people of your personality type enjoy:
Next, go to Google and type in your personality type plus the word "careers":
The Truity.Com link has a list of careers you can take!  Explore these careers using this link (the links on Truity are broken):


Blog Assignment:  Myers-Briggs Personality Test Results

Answer each of these questions in a blog:

  1. What personality type/letters did you get?
  2. Do you agree with these results? Why or why not?  (3 sentences minimum)
  3. What careers that were listed interest you and why?
  4. Look up famous people that have your personality type (on Google or in the link from the survey page).  Do you think you are like any of the people listed that share your personality type?  If so, who?  Does this surprise you?  Explain why.

Monday 21 March 2016

Posting Your Finished House

Make a post containing all the details of your finished house.

  1. Give your house a name.  Something regal, something grand like :  The Northstar, The Luxor, etc.  Name your post this title
  2. Post a screen cap or print of your house plan.  All room must be labelled.  Outside dimensions must be indicated.
  3. Post a screen cap of your house in Tinkercad.  Make it angled so you can see each wall.
  4. Post a link to your house on Tinkercad.  Make sure that your house is PUBLIC and not private so I can view it, download it and print it for you.

Posting Your House For Review

Welcome back from March Break!

If you are ready for your house to be reviewed, please do the following:

  1. Make a copy of your house
  2. Rename your house to something I can find
  3. Make your house public and tell me what your house name is
Once reviewed, I will approve it for 3d printing.
Congrats to all who have finished!

Saturday 12 March 2016

From Start To Finish

Here is a progressive collage showing Josh's progress in this course.  The 2nd floor of his house is now being worked on:

Thursday 10 March 2016

Small House In Real Life

Did you get stuck with one of the last properties?
Fear not!  This is what your house can look like!

1st House Printed!

Josh completed the first floor of his house so we ran it on the 3d printer last night.
Here it is in the printer:
It now sits in the acid bath to get rid of the white colored support material.
Good job Josh!  Your house will be first on the plot!

Thursday, Mar 10 - Blog Assignment - Top 25 High Paying Jobs

Top 25 High Paying Jobs

Today a report came out on the top 25 high paying jobs:

If you want to look into what some of these jobs are, what they do and how you get there, you can look them up on the US Occupational Job Index.  This is an amazing resource by the US government that lists every single job registered with them plus the education you need and the job out look.

Blog Assignment: Top 25 Jobs
Read through the Top 25 jobs article.
Pick 3 jobs that interest you the most.  List the following:

1.  Job: (this is the job title)
2.  Salary: (this is how much they make at the top end)
3.  Education for this job: (this is the university degree you need to do this job)
4.  Universities: (list 3 universities that offer the university degree for this job)
5.  Entrance averages:  (list the marks average you must have to get into the universities listed in 4)
6.  High school courses required: (these are the high school courses you take to get into a university that offers the degree for this job)
7.  Why do you think this is one of the top 25 jobs?  Give good reasons for you answer.  Try to relate it to the following: the economy, technological advances, the government, foreign countries, job opportunities or something else that shows your understanding.
8.  Compared to other jobs in the list, look at the number of job openings there were for this job versus the others.  What is the difference. Why do you think it is higher, lower or the same?

Use the above template to style how you answer the question for all 3 jobs.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Lots Update

There is now only one Orange lot left and the rest of are purple:

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Making Wall Texture

BEFORE you make windows and doors, you should complete the walls and then use holes to cut out your windows and doors!

You have 2 options for texture taught here, but you can come up with your own as long as you get it approved.

On this street, a house made of brick will be worth up to 20% more than a house made of siding.

How to Make Brick:

1. Create a wall that will be the back for your brick wall.  Make it 1mm thick. This is your base wall.
2. Create a brick that is 1mm wide x 1mm deep x 2mm long.  Place it in the bottom left of your wall and make sure it is contacting the 1mm thick base wall.

3. Change the snap on Tinkercad to 0.1mm.  Change the brick dimensions so you take 0.1mm off of all sides of the brick.  You should take 0.1mm off the left and right instead of 0.2mm off of one side.  This is so that the brick is centered in the right position.

4.  Change the snap back to 2.0mm.  Duplicate this brick by pressing cntl-D.  The new brick will be copied on top of the old brick.  Click the brick and press the arrow keys to move it over.  Since the snap is 2mm, it will move over perfectly.  Once it moves, you can press cntl-D and it will paste the new brick over 2mm from the last.  Repeat this until you have your brick wall.


How To Make Siding

1.  Do a search for "House Siding 3mm" and you will find my model which I made public.
2.  Simply copy the shapes and then adjust them to fit on the outside of your building.  Remember that you need a 1mm base shape, and then the siding actually overlaps with it!  Remember that the printer resolution is 0.3mm so you will have to make sure the siding sticks out at least that much.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Lot Update 3 - March 3

There are now only 3 lots left for purchase and 4 shack lots next to the railroad tracks and sewage treatment plant.

* = 2nd story house.  Congrats to all students who worked hard to get them!

Print Resolution for Details

Our printer is a uPrint Plus which is a resolution of 0.33mm.  That means that the smallest detail you have can be 0.33mm!  If you are making your bricks, leave 0.4mm in between them and it will show up!

1:100 scale man

How to Import 1:100 scale man

In Tinkercad do a search for the "1:100 scale person".  This is a modified version of a Tinkercad model someone else put online but scaled down so that it is the same scale that we are building to.  This figure brought into your house model will show you how big your walls, doors, windows anre more really are.

Find the 1:100 scale person model, click on it and then go to Tinker this, and select Copy to Clipboard.

Open up your house model, go to Edit and Paste (or cntl-v).  The model will appear in the same place on the workplane I placed it in which is at the bottom left.  Make sure that you make the model a "hole" so that it does not show up when you produce the 3d model, but you can change the color and move it around when you are still working on your model.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Scaling Your House

Scaling Your House

Remember that we are building a 1:100 scale house.
That means:

  • 1m in real life is 1cm in your house!

To understand how appropriate your buildings are, import the 1:100 scale person that I have made public.

Go to Tinkercad and do a search for 1:100 scale person.
Then Tinker it and you should be able to import it into your house design.

Just make sure when we go to print your house that your 1:100 scale person is not there!

Day 18 - Wednesday, March 2 - House Details

Lets check out some new homes built recently!

Go to this website:

These homes are available to buy in Kleinburg, Ontario

Take a look at a detached home - the Warhol and observe the following external features:
  1. Brick style and color
  2. Window style
  3. Garage style
  4. Front door style, shape and size
  5. Roof style, color and shape
  6. Additional structures or windows

Warhol A:
Warhol B:

3D Model Assignment

Observe different styles of features from observing different houses from the site.  Add these features to the house.  In your blog post, indicate where you "borrowed" each of the following designs:

  1. Roof
  2. Window frames
  3. Garage door
  4. Front door
  5. Additional structures

Explore the floor plans of the houses.  Compare them to yours.  Notice the following:

  • dimensions of each room (convert feet to metres to compare)
  • the amount of functional space (kitchen, living room, etc) versus non-functional space (hallways).  Do you have more non-functional space than these real homes?  Do you have hallways to nowhere, unnecessary walls, or oddly placed rooms?
  • do you have a closet for your jackets and boots by the front door?
These are some things to think about.  You should be able to put your house plan side by side with these ones.  

Remember that bad house plans reduce the value of your home.
Ugly looking houses reduce the value of your your home AND houses around you!

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Lot Update 2

Lots have been purchased!

Two story houses are allowed in all BLUE lots.
The first 4 green lots that complete 2 story homes may build 2 story homes.
Train tracks and the sewage treatment plant are located on the East end of the street.
The cookie factory, French bakery and super silent public transportation are located on the West.

Congrats to all the hard working students who completed their Tinkercad labs!